The passion for mechanics was transmitted to me by my Father Giuseppe, founder of the OFFICINA MECCANICA GIUSEPPE COLOMBO at the beginning of the 60s, during his journey he had the fortune to meet Cav. Lavezzari with whom they gave life to S.I.E.M.I. at the beginning of the 70s, a company that designed and built machines and systems for cutting steel coils for the mainly Italian steel industry.

At the end of the 1980s, after extensive experience and several systems built, my father broke away from S.I.E.M.I. giving life to a new company, HELIOS mechanical constructions (mechanical design, installations, constructions for third parties).
In the autumn of 1992, on the specific request of one of our customers, a revolutionary machine was created: a flying shear with cut under square +/- 30 ° managed by CNC for the automotive sector inserted in a 1500 x 3 mm transversal cutting line. ., as can be seen from the article included in the magazine “LAMIERA”, the sector’s reference magazine.

The experience in the coils cutting sector has allowed us to follow the design and development of some complete “sub-reel” packaging lines (coils of smaller dimensions obtained from the longitudinal cut of the coil).
At the beginning of the 2000s the activity of HADES started, installations and commissioning of cutting and packaging lines, not only for steel but above all in the aluminum sector thanks to a close collaboration established with SELEMA, a company known in the own sector internationally.
Over the past two decades, personal experiences in the mechanical assembly and process line installation sector have been nourished.
Experiences that allow us to offer you a “serious and professional” service.
All the works we finished were carried out thanks to the collaboration of qualified collaborators and suitable equipment.
Among the latest equipment recently purchased there is a LASER TRACKER, an indispensable tool both for the dimensional checks of medium and large structures and for the assembly and alignment of machinery / industrial lines in compliance with the increasingly narrow tolerances required by our customers.
Thanks to this new investment, we can guarantee high assembly precision with the drafting of certified reports.
Today as yesterday “the passion for things well done is always growing, together with our professionalism …”, thanks to the esteem and trust constantly placed by our customers.

di Colombo Luca & C.
- C.fisc./P.IVA: 02148920131
- Cell/Fax: 039.956326
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